Isha Kriya was developed by the Indian yogi and mystic, Sadhguru.
How to do it:
- Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit, with your spine upright and your head and neck aligned with your spine.
- Place your hands on your thighs & close your eyes.
- Begin to breathe in & mentally say the mantra "I am not the body.”
- As you exhale, mentally say “I am not even the mind" silently to yourself, as you continue to focus on your breath.
- Repeat the mantra as long as you’re comfortable with.
- If your mind begins to wander, gently bring your attention back to the mantra and continue to repeat it.
- Next you will utter the sound “Ahhh” 7 times when you exhale with your mouth wide open.
- After, simply sit in stillness, continuing to focus on your breath and any sensations in your body.
- When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and return to the external world.